Campus & Community Partners

We know high schools and community organizations—as well as DU faculty and staff—play an important role in a student's ability to finance a DU degree. Below, you'll find information and resources to help students stay on track and make informed decisions.

students on campus

High School Counselor Resources

  • Key Financial Aid Facts
    • 83 percent of need met for undergraduate students
    • 84 percent of aid for undergraduates is scholarships and grants
    • $47,844 is the average need-based financial aid package for first-time, first-year students
    • 100 percent of students receive a grant or scholarship

    > Learn more about price and affordability


    2025-26 Cost of Attendance:
    (For full-time students living on campus)
    Direct Costs:Tuition$61,848
    Indirect Costs:Books, Course Materials, Supplies, & Equipment$1,000
     Personal Expenses$1,728
     Loan Fees$70
     Cost of Attendance$85,264


    DU School Codes:
    • CSS Profile: 4842
    • FAFSA: 001371


    Important Links:

Information for Scholarship Providers

  • Financial Aid Data Sharing Policy

    The Family Educational Records and Privacy Act (FERPA) prohibits colleges and universities from sharing student information to third parties without the written consent of the student. This means we can only share financial aid records with scholarship providers if the student gives explicit, written permission for us to do so through the Release of Student Records form.

  • Submitting Scholarship Funds

    To make sure the student’s account is credited before charges are due and to prevent the student from accruing late fees, submit funding by:

    • August 1 for fall quarter
    • November 1 for winter quarter
    • March 1 for spring quarter
    • May 1 for summer quarter

    Your scholarship won’t credit to the student’s account until we process the funds.

    Please note that we do not bill you for scholarship payments. If you require an invoice or bill, you should request that the student provide a copy of his or her account statement. If you require bills for housing, books or other educational costs, you must ask the student to provide the appropriate documentation.

    Send scholarship checks (payable to the University of Denver) to:

    Financial Aid
    University of Denver
    2197 S. University Blvd
    Denver, CO 80208-9403

picture of bikes

Information for DU Staff and Faculty

  • Student Award Policy

    Various offices, programs, departments and projects on the DU campus often wish to provide students with awards and gifts using the funding at their disposal. Whether the purpose of these awards and gifts is to recognize and reward the student achievement, or to assist students in times of need, the desire and freedom to provide them is an important part of a vibrant community. However, federal financial aid regulations also require that in certain cases, this funding is properly accounted for and considered when determining the total amount of financial aid that each student receives.

    If you provide funding to a student in the form of a prize, award, scholarship, gift, fellowship, etc., please submit the Student Award Request form. For more information about this form, please review our Practical Guide, and email us at with any questions.

  • DU Departmental Scholarship Application Process

    The DU Departmental Scholarship Application opens for current students in February each year. Units should review and select their scholarship recipients for the 2025-26 application cycle according to the timelines listed below.  If you have any questions, please contact us.

    • February 24th:  Scholarship application open for students in My4D
    • March 14th: Latest date units will have received scholarship budgets
    • March 17th: Recorded offer training sent to department contacts
    • March 28th:  If applicable, first time first year recipient selections due
    • March 31st:  Scholarship application closes for returning students
    • April 2nd:  Application review open for faculty/staff in RZASCHL
    • May 1st:  Scholarship selections due from faculty/staff
    • Mid-May:  Scholarship posting by Office of Financial Aid
    • Early June:  Financial aid offer notifications sent to students
  • Institutional Code of Conduct for Educational Loans

    The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008 requires institutions of higher education to develop and enforce a code of conduct that prohibits conflicts of interest for financial aid personnel. In compliance with this requirement, the University of Denver has created the following code of conduct based on the HEOA.

    Other University employees, officers, and agents with responsibilities in respect to education loans also have to comply with this policy.

    Code of Conduct

    Conflict of Interest: No employee shall have a conflict of interest with respect to any education loan or other student financial aid for which the employee has responsibility.

    Ban on Revenue-Sharing Arrangements: The University shall not enter into any revenue-sharing arrangement with any lender or other vendor working with any of it's financial aid offices. The University shall not accept any fee or other material benefit in exchange for recommending a lender to its students.

    Gift Ban: No University officer or employee with financial aid responsibilities shall solicit or accept a gift (e.g., a gift of services, transportation, lodging, or meals, provided purchase of a ticket, payment in advance, or reimbursement) having a monetary value of more than a de minimus amount from a lender, guarantor, or servicer of education loans.

    Contracting Arrangements Prohibited: No University officer or employee with financial aid responsibilities shall accept from any lender or lender affiliate any payment or other financial benefit as compensation for any type of consulting arrangement or other contract to provide services to a lender.

    Interaction with Borrowers: The University shall not automatically assign a particular lender to any borrower, and shall not refuse to certify or delay certification of any loan based on the lender or guarantee agency selected.

    Prohibition on Offers of Funds for Private Loans: The University shall not request or accept from any lender an offer of funds to be used for private education loans in exchange for the University providing the lender with a specified number or volume of federal loans made or in exchange for placement on a preferred lender list.

    Co-branding: The University prohibits any private educational lender from using the University's name, emblem and logo as well as any words, pictures, or symbols associated with the University to imply endorsement of private education loans by that lender.

    Ban on Staffing Assistance: The University shall not request or accept from any lender any assistance with call center staffing or financial aid office staffing. Lenders, however, may provide professional development training to financial aid administrators, educational advising materials to borrowers, or assistance in state or federally-declared natural disasters.

    Advisory Board Assistance: All employees with financial aid responsibilities shall be prohibited from receiving anything of value from a lender or guarantor in return for service on its advisory board. Reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred in connection with such service, however, is permitted.



Financial Aid